The Findhorn Ecovillage Journey


This feature explores the essence of the Findhorn brand, a symbol of ecological innovation and communal harmony. From its humble beginnings in the 1960s to its evolution into a model eco-city, Findhorn’s journey is a beacon of inspiration for communities worldwide striving towards environmental consciousness and sustainability.

In the pages that follow, we’ll take you on a vivid journey through the green pathways of Findhorn, introducing you to its pioneering approaches in sustainable architecture, renewable energy, and organic agriculture. We’ll uncover the stories of the people behind this extraordinary community, their philosophies, and how they’ve successfully integrated eco-friendly practices into daily life, setting a global standard for sustainable living.

We take you through Findhorn’s innovative sustainable practices, from green architecture and renewable energy to organic farming. These pages reveal the stories and philosophies of the people shaping this community, setting a benchmark in sustainable living.

Beyond the community itself, we explore Findhorn’s global influence in eco-city design and sustainable community planning. Through interviews and visuals, we offer an inside look at the strategies that position Findhorn at the forefront of the eco-movement.


Museum Poster Design

Children’s Book Cover Design


Skateboard Design


Organic Food Packaging

In the spirit of Findhorn Ecovillage’s commitment to sustainability and harmony with nature, our latest organic food packaging design encapsulates these core values. Drawing inspiration from Findhorn’s lush landscapes and eco-friendly ethos, our design features natural color palettes, eco-conscious materials, and a clean, minimalistic aesthetic.

The packaging design reflects the purity and essence of the organic produce it holds. Utilizing biodegradable materials and plant-based inks, it aligns with the Ecovillage’s vision of reducing environmental impact. The design elements, from the color scheme to the typography, are chosen to resonate with the natural, organic quality of the products, while also paying homage to the serene beauty of the Findhorn community.

This packaging isn’t just a container; it’s a statement. It speaks to the consumers who care about where their food comes from and the impact their choices have on the environment. It’s a reminder of the simplicity and richness of nature, encouraging a deeper connection with our food and its origins, mirroring the principles that Findhorn Ecovillage embodies.